I work with clients to move through grief and bereavement, using creative forces. Creativity may involve writing, painting, drawing, music, cooking; or anything else that the client defines as creative. Creativity may also be a simple act of appreciation. I will work with clients to find ways in which they may honor their lost loved ones through creativity. Different cultures use specific rituals to honor their lost loved ones. It is often the case, in the Western World, that rituals have been lost in the rush to “get back on ones’ feet” and “get back to work”. While these mantras have their value, it is equally important to balance them with taking the time to honor our lost loved ones. I have a strong belief that one doesn’t “get over” loss, but learns to live with it – and in so doing, one’s life may become richer and deeper for it. I have hosted workshops in that incorporate cooking and remembering recipes as a way to commune with lost loved ones.